Stovetop Moka


This method produces a highly concentrated small amount of coffee similar to an espresso. If you are working on a stovetop, keep the flame low to medium in order to allow the water to slowly filter through the coffee. Keeping the handle off to one side of the flame will help keep it cool and allow you to pick up the pot when the brew is complete.


Medium ground beans are best as finer grinds plug the machine and force steam through the pressure valve.


I always keep the lid open; I find that if it is closed steam collects and drips down onto the coffee. As the steam drops back onto the coffee, it ruins this little bit of bubbly crema that you can get if you brew it carefully. It is very important to keep the flame low if you have the lid open.



There are countless versions of Moka pots available in a variety of sizes. They are all beautiful and you can have a very nice collection without spending much money. The coffee produced using this method can be used as the base of cappuccinos, lattes, and my good friend uses one of these to make all the coffee he drinks. He makes you a coffee by adding boiled water to a couple of ounces of coffee made in his moka po; I call it the Philicano.